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MOT184 | 2023-07-28  
Brock Edwards and Dirty Secretz join forces on Motive Records to present their electrifying collaboration, "Red Lights."

Brock Edwards, renowned for his genre-blending expertise, seamlessly blends elements of deep house, tech-house, and progressive rhythms. Meanwhile, Dirty Secretz infuses the track with his soulful approach, amplifying its energy to unprecedented heights. "Red Lights" is a revelation, meticulously crafted to transport listeners into a realm of pure musical enchantment.

Prepare to embark on an electrifying journey as "Red Lights" captivates your senses and moves your body. The infectious basslines, hypnotic vocals, and intricate percussion will transport you to a state of euphoria on the dancefloor. Brock Edwards and Dirty Secretz have created a masterpiece that reverberates with the spirit of underground house music, leaving an indelible mark on the scene.
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