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HHSUB008 | 2023-05-26  
Tom is an absolute wizard on the buttons. That much is patently obvious, and when he sent me over this new set of tracks I was absolutely melting. He manages to just get so much lovely texture in to the music and yet craft it in a way that it absolutely crushes it on the dance floor.

I've played these out on some big rigs and I honestly can't believe how amazing they sound. You have to experience it to believe it really. They hit hard but are also packed full of emotion in a totally un-cheesy way.

OK enough of my blather. Go and listen to the damn things yourself and decide if you like them, rather than trying to work it out from reading a bloody press release you weirdos.

All four tracks are produced and sculpted for the club. They want big sound systems and dark rooms.

Close your eyes, hold hands and experience transcendental space flight...

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